An educational loan is money borrowed to students for higher education. Educational Loans will need to be paid back after a student graduates, withdraws from all classes, or goes below half-time enrollment. There is a six month grace period before repayment begins.
While there are many different types of student loans, the most common for 体育菠菜大平台 students are Federal Direct Student Loans. These are offered after a student completed their FAFSA. Below you will find more information about the various types of loan programs, their requirements, and how to choose the right option for you.
The most common types of student loans that are offered to students are Federal Direct Loans. There are two types of Federal Direct Loans; Federal Direct Subsidized Loans and Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans. Federal Direct Student Loans are offered after a student has been admitted to 体育菠菜大平台 and completes their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Students may accept the amount of Federal Direct Student Loans that they have decided to borrow by logging into MyBLUE. Students do not have to accept the full amount of the loans, and may enter any partial amount that is decided to be borrowed. A borrower may also contact the Office of Financial Aid to reduce the amount of loan that has been accepted.
Federal Direct Subsidized Loans have slightly better terms to help out students with financial need.
*Note: Interest payments to a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan do not have to be made while in school. However, the Office of Financial Aid encourages borrowers to begin making the interest payments in order to minimize the total debt owed when finishing school. Making the interest payments keeps the loan debt from inflating beyond the original principle amount borrowed.
Students who are borrowing a Federal Direct Student Loan for the first time* are required to complete Entrance Loan Counseling and a Master Promissory Note before the loan can be disbursed out to their account. (*If you previously borrowed a Federal Direct Loan as a current undergraduate student, you should have already completed the Entrance Loan Counseling and Master Promissory Note and will not be required to complete these items again.)
Entrance Loan Counseling
Students may access the entrance loan counseling session on the Department of Education's website. Once you complete this online session, the 体育菠菜大平台 Financial Aid Office is notified. If you want to check to see if your confirmation has been received in our office, please review your MyBLUE To-Do List. Once this requirement has been met, it will be removed from your checklist.
Master Promissory Note
As you begin to borrow for your educational expenses, it is important that you are aware of the loan's terms and conditions. These stipulations govern the rights and responsibilities you have as a borrower. When you sign the Master Promissory Note (MPN), you enter a legal and binding contract (according to the terms and conditions listed).
Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement
The Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment is a tool to help you understand how your loans will affect your financial future.
Completing the Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment will help to:
While this is not a requirement, we highly recommend that you complete the online Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement for your benefit.
Exit Loan Counseling
If you have borrowed student loans to help pay for your education and you either apply for graduation from 体育菠菜大平台, withdraw from classes, or drop below half-time enrollment, you will be notified of opportunities to attend an Exit Loan Counseling session. Exit Loan Counseling is required for students graduating from 体育菠菜大平台. If you will be graduating from 体育菠菜大平台 and have not yet completed the Exit Loan Counseling session, you will see a reminder on your “To Do List” on MyBLUE. Once you have completed a group counseling session or an online counseling session, the reminder will be removed from your “To Do List.” The purpose of Exit Loan Counseling is to help you become well prepared and knowledgeable regarding the repayment of the student loans you have borrowed.
An interest rate is additional money that you will have to pay on top of your loan. The faster you can repay your student loan, the less amount of interest you will pay. An origination fee is an extra fee added to your loan for the cost of services rendered to set up the loan. Make sure you borrow enough loan to cover your 体育菠菜大平台 costs as well as the origination fee.
Current Rates: Interest Rates for Federal Direct Loans borrowed July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025:
Federal Direct Loan Rates
→ Subsidized Undergraduate Loans: 6.53% fixed
→ Unsubsidized Undergraduate Loans: 6.53% fixed
→ Unsubsidized Graduate Loans: 8.08% fixed
Federal Direct Loan Origination Fees
→ Subsidized and Unsubsidized Undergraduate Loans: 1.057% origination fee
→ Unsubsidized Graduate Loans: 1.057% origination fee
Federal Direct PLUS Loans are part of the Federal Direct Loan Program and are financed by the federal government. PLUS loans are borrowed by the parents of dependent students as a way to help finance education expenses. A student's cost of attendance minus all other financial assistance (as determined by the school) is the maximum that may be borrowed. Unless the borrower specifies deferred payments in the loan request, repayment begins after the full loan has been disbursed.
The interest rate is fixed at 9.08% for the 2024-25 academic year. Interest is charged during all loan periods, starting on the date of the loan’s first disbursement. An origination fee of 4.228%, will be deducted from the borrowed principal and the resulting net loan will be applied to the student account.
If a parent would like to apply for PLUS Loan funding, he or she may do so by:
The Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan enables graduate students to borrow additional loan from the U.S. Department of Education to help pay educational expenses. This loan is a more expensive loan with significantly higher interest rates and origination fees, and as such is available to a student only after exhausting all other Federal Direct Student Loan eligibility within a school year. An applicant’s credit is checked by the Department of Education to determine eligibility for this loan.
Some general terms are as follows:
Contact the 体育菠菜大平台 Office of Financial Aid for more details and for information regarding the application process for this loan.
An aggregate limit is the total amount of Federal Direct Student Loan that a student can borrow within one academic year (fall, spring, and summer semesters). The chart below shows the aggregate loan amounts per year based off of a student's grade level.
Aggregate Limits per grade level |
Federal Direct |
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans |
Independent* |
Total** |
FR (0-27 credits) |
$3,500.00 |
$2,000.00 |
$4,000.00 |
$5,500.00 |
SO (28-57 credits) |
$4,500.00 |
$2,000.00 |
$4,000.00 |
$6,500.00 |
JR (58-88 credits) |
$5,500.00 |
$2,000.00 |
$5,000.00 |
$7,500.00 |
SR (89+ credits) |
$5,500.00 |
$2,000.00 |
$5,000.00 |
$7,500.00 |
Pre-Masters |
$5,500.00 |
$ 0.00 |
$7,000.00 |
$5,500.00 |
*If a student is classified as an independent student as determined by the FAFSA or if the Parent PLUS Loan was denied, he or she would receive the specified additional amount of Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan eligibility depending on grade level.
**This total amount does not include the extra amount of Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan a student may qualify for if independent or if the Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan was denied. To get the total amount for these students, add the number in the independent column for their grade level to the total in their grade level.
The annual aggregate amount of loan a graduate student may qualify for each year is $20,500.00. The lifetime aggregate amount of loan a graduate student may borrow is $138,500.00*.
*This amount includes what the student has borrowed as a graduate student and as an undergraduate student.
The Federal Student Aid website,, is the U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) central database for student aid. This website is a one-stop location to access almost anything related to federal financial aid.
How to Use the Federal Student Aid Website
Once you have graduated, withdrawn from all classes, or drop below half-time enrollment, you will have a six-month grace period before your federal student loans go into repayment. The default repayment plan that you will be put on is the standard, or level, repayment plan. (you can change your repayment plan by talking to your loan servicer) This will spread your payments into equal amounts each month and the repayment plan is for 10 years. This is the least costly plan, as you will pay the least in interest charges. See the sample loan repayment schedules below for the different levels of student loan debt.
Sample Standard Repayment Plan Schedule
Amount Borrowed |
Number of Payments |
Estimated Monthly Payments |
Estimated Total Amount Paid |
$5,000 | 30 | $176 | $5,267 |
$10,000 | 58 | $190 | $11,059 |
$20,000 | 103 | $235 | $24,251 |
$30,000 | 120 | $302 | $36,277 |
$50,000 | 120 | $504 | $60,462 |
$75,000 | 120 | $756 | $90,694 |
$100,000 | 120 | $1,008 | $120,925 |
Fixed-Interest Rate: 3.99%
A loan servicer is a company that the federal government assigns to handle the billing and other services on your federal student loan on their behalf. To see who your Loan Servicer is, log into Below is a list of Loan Servicing Centers for Federal Student Loans and their contact information.
Nelnet |
Borrower Contact Information Phone: 888.486.4722 TDD/TTY: A borrower who is hearing-impaired may web chat with a representative by visiting and clicking on "Chat Now". Chat Hours: 8 a.m.-9 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. Overseas: 303.696.3625 Web: |
Aidvantage |
Borrower Contact Information Phone: 800.722.1300 TDD/TTY: 877.713.3833 Overseas: 800) 722-1300 (toll-free) or (317) 806-0580 (cost per call) Web: |
Great Lakes Educational Loan Services |
Borrower Contact Information Phone: 800.236.4300 TDD/TTY: A borrower who is hearing-impaired may use the 711 Telecommunications Relay Service for assistance. Overseas: 608.246.1700 Web: |
Borrower Contact Information Phone: 866.313.3797
Web: |
OSLA Servicing |
Borrower Contact Information Phone: 866.264.9762 TDD/TTY: 405.556.9230 Web: |
HESC/EdFinancial Services |
Borrower Contact Information Phone: 855.337.6884 TDD/TTY: 855.337.6884 Overseas borrowers: 855.337.6884 Web: |
Borrower Contact Information Phone: 888.8664352 TDD/TTY: A borrower who is hearing-impaired may use the 711 Telecommunications Relay Service for assistance Web: |
Default Resolution Group |
Borrower Contact Information Phone: 800.621.3115 TTY: A borrower who is hearing-impaired may use 877.825.923 |
Direct Loan Consolidation Department |
Borrower Contact Information Phone: 800.557.7392 |
A private student loan is a loan offered for higher education by banks, credit unions, and online lenders. Private loans require a separate application directly to the financial institution acting as a private lender. Federal loans have fixed interest rates, while the private loan interest rates are largely dependent on credit history.
体育菠菜大平台 uses the ELM Select Tool to provide a historical listing of private student loan lenders students have borrowed from over the past two years. 体育菠菜大平台 does not recommend any specific lender, but provides this list as a resource and a service to students seeking loan aid above and beyond their federal student loan eligibility. As a borrower, you may use any lender you choose. The lender does not have to be one that appears on this list. You may do a more extensive search for Private Student Loan lenders online or otherwise and 体育菠菜大平台 will process your loan with any lender you choose to utilize.
The ELM Select Tool allows you to compare the terms of several Private Student Loan lenders including: interest rates, cosigner requirements, repayment length and other important loan information to help with your borrowing decision. Take these next steps to access our historical listing of Private Student Loan lenders:
As an important note, students pursuing private educational loans must sign an Applicant Self-Certification form and submit this form to the private lender before the loan may be disbursed.